– My aim with pre-conception / fertility hypnosis is to support you in finding your focus on creating the optimal fertile state ready for conception; to help you take the pressure off yourself (and your partner, if relevant); to prepare your mind and your body for the journey ahead; whether you hope to conceive naturally or to support you through assisted conception.
– Hypnosis and Clinical Hypnotherapy should never be understated. Our minds control our bodies, and yet so many of us have forgotten that WE control our minds. Our conscious mind has the ability to work on and use such a limited amount of things at any given time, whereas our subconscious mind – our control room – is working on many many thousands of things without you even having to action it.
Sometimes our programmes can go a bit out of sync, and we need a little help to reprogram or even just remember how we really want to do things. Including things such as rebooting our immune systems or hormonal system.
Clinical hypnotherapy doesn’t require dancing like a chicken or eating an onion. It is safe, and you remain fully in control. Hypnosis is just a relaxed state – an altered state of mind.
Hypnosis is both a science and an art form and is often not easy to define or describe to those who haven’t experienced an induced trance. It’s probably easier to describe what trance is not. It is not sleep, unconsciousness, magic, nor is it mind-controlling. You remain fully in control of your own mind, you can be aware of sounds, smells, your general surroundings, thoughts, consciousness is not lost, but it is selective. Hypnosis in basic terms is a state of relaxation where you are more likely to be aware of internal processes rather than what is going on around you.
You will never get stuck in trance, although so many people tell me that they love it so much they didn’t want to come back around when I talk them through! It is a very pleasant state of mind to be in.
Relaxation is obviously one of the benefits of hypnotic trance, but there are many others. Neuroscience has taught us so much about how we create habits and store information.
What if those habits are not good for us, and what if the information that is etched in our minds is false or unhelpful. For example, parents telling children that we should be grateful for our food, and starving people across the world would give anything for this, so finish your plate… therefore we learn to override the full signal, as it’s the right thing to do.
A child hearing words that he/she is shy/useless/boys don’t cry/ too messy etc can grow up with self-worth issues about themselves or particular subjects. The good news is that these habits and beliefs are not a permanent fixture in our minds.
Imagine that these messages were in fact written in chalk, and you can wipe it off, and choose a new, more liberating message… what would you choose.
The writing on your walls is yours to change if you so wish.
Trance frees us from the limitations of our analytical, rigid conscious mind, and allows us to use the creative and imaginative resources of the subconscious mind, safely and at your own pace.
We also now know that the mind and body are connected, our minds control our bodies, and hypnosis is a great way to remind ourselves that we control our minds.
So, using our minds to make the changes in our internal control room can have a fantastic effect on so many areas of our lives.
This list is not everything, just a few examples of where hypnotherapy can help.
Stress, anxiety, fertility, pregnancy symptoms, sleep, blood pressure, post-traumatic stress, birth trauma, flashbacks, insomnia, positive attitudes, changing habits, happiness, allergy relief, depression, smoking, eating disorders, IBS, hormonal imbalances, self-confidence, phobias, weight reduction, calmness, public speaking, handling relationship issues, alcohol abuse, panic attacks, blushing, nerves, fears, weight reduction, self-esteem, insomnia & trouble sleeping exam/interview stress, migraines.
What hypnosis doesn’t promise for birthing peeps – A pain-free, intervention-free birth. What hypnobirthing should do is empower the person to trust their body. To empower them to listen to themselves and have the confidence to breathe, move, act the way that is natural the individual. There is no ‘right way’ to give birth, other than ‘your way’ and until the time you are doing it, don’t be swayed into believing that you have to do one particular method to get the birth you want.
Yet if you really want to know the basics, I’ll give it a go!
The basis is that emotions cause physical symptoms. Think ‘stress headaches’ ‘nervous runny tummies’, or the heavy dragging feeling you get when feeling sad or guilty. On a happier note think about the beautiful fluttery feeling you have when you feel real love.
If these obvious emotions cause such noticeable physical results, then think about what physical or mental symptoms you have and which emotions may quietly lie behind.
Try it on everything… it is almost limitless as to what this therapy works well on. I particularly like this therapy for limiting beliefs, fears and worries.
It is actually a very gentle therapy too. You don’t have to go digging around in the past to solve the issue either. One of the things that I love is that you can use EFT for anything and everything! Weight reduction, headaches, stress, emotional upsets, children’s problems, relationship issues, aches and pains, anxieties, personal development, getting past limiting beliefs…the list goes on and on.
A great tool to add to your self-help toolkit.
Neuro is about the neurological system, and how we interpret what we experience through our senses, & how we translate it to everyday feelings & thoughts, with & without being aware of it.
Our thoughts then affect our behaviour & emotions.
Linguistic refers to how we use language to give meaning to what we have experienced.
Programming is about how we consistently think or behave. In a similar way to a computer, we run programs that produce certain behaviours…and thankfully, we can also re-program the ones that aren’t so good!
NLP is a great tool for changing unwanted behaviours, clearing the emotional charge of unwanted memories, boosting self-esteem, changing the way in which we react to stress, getting rid of limiting beliefs that stop us from reaching great potential…the list goes on & on…..!
As a stand-alone therapy NLP is great, but I believe it is even better when used a process alongside tapping with EFT and/or hypnotherapy.
They compliment each other perfectly and can create outstanding results.
Well, it’s not a fad.
With over 10,000 published research papers, and backing by the Department of Health and guidelines set by NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence), there is a lot of information out there about the health benefits of mindfulness.
Being mindful is about bringing your awareness into this moment in time. Without judgement or fear.
“In today’s rush, we all think too much — seek too much — want too much — and forget about the joy of just being.” ~Eckhart Tolle
I have so many favourite quotes about mindfulness and a toolkit of techniques for bringing mindfulness into our everyday lives, but for the moment I just want to share with you just a handful of benefits of being mindful.
People who practice mindful techniques on regular basis tend to be the ones who:
Have better coping strategies when life throws something stressful at them. In fact, it can be seen as bouncing off them, without leaving a mark!
Lower levels of stress, anxiety, depression, immune system problems.
Have higher levels of energy and zest for life.
More self-esteem, confidence and compassion for themselves as well as other people, animals, the planet.
Our thoughts change our reality.
How does mindfulness help fertility, conception, pregnancy?
Being in the moment, nurturing each moment, each stage, focusing on creating the healthy body, as opposed to “infertility”.
Learning to notice the small things again. Finding the joy in life again.
For me personally, one of my favourites is my cup of tea ritual.
Previously I had started with a habit of coffee glugging. Cup after cup, not even noting how much I was consuming. Obviously it’s not great to have so much caffeine, but it’s not good that I wasn’t even aware of the fact I had just put the kettle on, popped some instant coffee and a sugar in a cup, poured, stirred and drank… I only realised when I spotted 5 – 10 coffee cups scattered around the house, a few on my desk, some by the sofa, a couple by the bed, one in the bathroom, some in the kitchen. It had become a subconscious habit… and I was blind to it. The kids would comment on my scatter cup habit.
I now have a favourite tea cup and enjoy my tea rituals.
Which tea will I chose? Right now it’s a Green Tea with lemon, perfected the length of time the teabag needs to be in for it to not be too bitter. About 40 seconds will do it for me at this moment. It’s a beautiful hazy yellowy colour, a tad too hot at the moment, so I enjoy smelling the aroma that the dancing steam brings.
The next tea time is a different tea of my choosing. I take the time to sit and just be with my tea drinking. Nothing else. No phone, no tv, no biscuit. Just me and the tea.
For me, this has brought some much-needed peace into my life, and permission to sit down for 10 or so minutes or so.
(Mizan: sounds like Milan) is a reproductive system massage, also often known as fertility massage.
Despite being great for fertility, hormonal balance, it is also good for the digestive system. To put into simple terms, great for bring an oxygenated blood supply to the pelvic organs, and removing toxins and stagnation.
After the Mizan massage, I teach you the self-care massage, and encourage you to do this frequently at home too.
Mizan helps realign a tilted uterus. This is often the cause of many reproductive issues, as it can knock the hormones out of balance.
Mizan is a really useful treatment for those suffering with:
Endometriosis, Fibroids, PCOS, Ovarian Cysts, Painful Periods, Ammenorhea, Heavy Periods, PMT, PMDD, Infertility, Prolapse, Peri-Menopausal issues etc
Taking the time to have a review of what you are consuming, and making changes to cleaner and more natural food and drink choices will no doubt make a massive difference if your diet consists of some of the popular convenient food choices!
Even if you are eating a pretty clean diet, there are foods that are known to help hormones balance, to help the womb lining develop nice and richly.
Being mindful of your cervical secretions is one of the useful ways. In fact, I will be covering that in more detail elsewhere as it concerned me how many women and people have spent their entire adult life thinking they have infections or imbalances, when it’s just their normal cycling secretions! Not a stinky discharge after all! Knowing which texture is the fertile texture is one of the most useful things to know when you are looking for ripe conditions!