There are so many benefits to using hypnosis and mind-body healing for anxiety or stress relief during IVF cycles, but also with the added benefit of unblocking limiting beliefs or fears prior to and during your treatment.
I also see how my personal one-to-one clients find it an additional challenge to fit in extra appointments on top of the many clinic appointments, especially if they are fitting it all in around work. For a while now I have been working weekends to try to make it easier for them, but again, if someone wants a last minute session just before transfer, and they are having a natural cycle, trying to fit in a session in person is adding stress that I don’t want my client to have.
So I have developed this series to support you through, whilst fitting it in with your own schedule and family life at home.
The package includes:
A series of MP3s to listen to a various stages of your treatment, and or prior to your cycle. There are additional sessions for those going through a medicated cycle, and those aimed at appreciating your incredible body, as it goes through this transformation.
Video sessions to help you get started using the incredible EFT for all aspects, be it worries, limiting beliefs, nausea or emotional upheaval. Anything goes with EFT. The videos will guide you through.
A series of e-books, designed to be short and sweet. The right little book to dip into, to see you through different stages of treatment.
An online support group. Peer support is so necessary. You are not alone.
A downloadable journal for you to keep track of your feelings and experiences, but with a positive twist. Lets offload the unwanted and replace it with positive aspects of your baby creating journey.
There is no guarantee that using any type of complimentary therapy will help you conceive your baby. Your clinic won’t even make that guarantee either, and they are doing the scientific work.
What I am to do with you is help you to:
Feel ready and prepared.
Feel positive and excited.
Release any unwanted feelings, fears or anxieties.
Be able to visualise any excess of drugs leaving your system with ease.
To avoid overwhelm and excess.
To be able to utilise the incredible power of the mind and the ‘placebo Affect’.
To help you avoid the affects of the ‘Nocebo Affect’ when clinics remind you of slim chances etc.
To remember that the mind controls the body, and that YOU control your mind.
To stay calm and relaxed.
To be able to visualise a positive, fertile healthy landing spot for your precious embryo to call home.
To feel supported and cared about. You are an important individual… not another clinical statistic.
Drop me a message now to register your interest in this course. Fee is £195 all course material is yours to keep and reuse. There is the added bonus of the online support group via facebook, so you link in with others who are going through their journeys with the same positive mindset.